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What is rapid impact dynamic compaction? - HENGDA RIC

RIC is a process where loose subsurface soils are improved u...

Update time:2022-07-19 11:46:502022-07-19 11:46:50


RIC is a process where loose subsurface soils are improved using an excavator-mounted 7.5 ton hydraulic hammer. The hammer is rapidly raised and lowered onto a 1m diameter plate, which densifies the soil, in-place, without the need for undercut and replace. The average compaction point is hit 40-90 per minute.

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One advantage of RIC is that the drop height and number of blows can be varied based on the soil conditions. Through a test program, we will work with the Geotechnical Engineer of Record (GER) to determine the appropriate improvement criteria and RIC set-up for various areas of the site. For a site with a mixed soil profile and varying thicknesses of sand and clay, the ability to accurately control the amount of energy delivered to the ground is critical as it allows one to improve the loose overlying loose soil without liquefying the fine grained soils below – providing more uniform compaction.

3t Rapid impact compaction effect display

RIC is the right answer when:

■ Over-excavation and replacement is not feasible due to environmental or practical reasons

■ Safety is an issue (no weight falling from great heights)

■ Vibrations need to be managed (< 2 ips at 30 feet)

■ Specific levels of improvement are required

■ Compaction energy needs to be carefully controlled


RIC is a high-frequency, controlled energy, soil compaction technique used to densify surface layers of soils (to a depth of 5 to 7 meters in most cases) with minimum impact on the immediate worksite environment. Rapid Impact Compaction is widely used to densify loose granular soils (sand or gravel) as well as loam fill and industrial brownfield sites for surface compaction, foundations and floor slab support, liquefaction mitigation and waste stabilisation.

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It is possible to compact the ground near an adjacent site with rapid impact compaction. Rapid impact compaction suits to ground improvement in small spaces. As an example, we can apply this technique within or next to existing warehouses. In such cases, we monitor very carefully vibrations in adjacent structures during rapid impact compaction.

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The energy and deflection of the soil is monitored and recorded at each location, which allows the geotechnical engineer to determine when effective treatment is complete. It also enables the engineer to identify weak zones (red dots) or debris zones throughout the pad so that any remedial actions that may be required can be minimized resulting in cost savings.

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