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Rapid Impact compaction specification-Rapid impact compaction Reinforcement Standard

The application of Rapid Impact compaction to the loess laye...

Update time:2022-07-19 11:46:502022-07-19 11:46:50


The application of Rapid Impact compaction to the loess layer subgrade project is not the same position to carry out reinforcement and compaction, reinforcing the thickness of the compaction is 1.0m ~ 1.2m is appropriate, the quality standard of the subgrade engineering compaction is not high, the reinforced compaction thickness can be 1.5m, the ribbed work should be selected III. gear, the ramming frequency is 12 to 18 times, the ramming point is arranged as a red plum blossom type, the core spacing of the ramming point cannot exceed 1.5m, and the final 3 hammer rammer sedimentation is not suitable for more than 1cm ~ 1.5cm. According to the experimental conclusions and analysis, the quality control measures and specifications for the reinforcement and compaction construction of the Rapid Impact compaction are selected in different positions of the loess layer subgrade project, which brings technicality to the use of the Rapid Impact compaction in the reinforcement and compaction of the loess subgrade project.

Rapid impact compaction in highway construction

1. Abutment culvert back

Each sub-level backfill 1m to carry out ribbing once, the ramming point is selected red plum blossom dense or rammed point core spacing is 1.2m, the III. file 15 hammer ~ 18 hammer is selected, and the final 3 hammer ramming sedimentation is not suitable for more than 1cm, the spacing between the ramming point edge and the cover plate culvert and other structures can not be less than 20cm, the actual size should be determined according to the compressive strength of the structure, and the vertical ribbed range should exceed the articulation area by 1m.

Construction of rapid impact compaction at abutment back

2. New and old subgrade splicing part, retaining wall wall back

The new and old subgrade engineering patchwork department backfills a ladder thin and thick rib once per time, the wall back with high compressive strength is ribbed once per 1.5m of backfill soil, the distance between the ramming point edge and the wall back cannot be less than 50cm, the ramming point is arranged in a red plum blossom style, the ramming point core spacing is 1.2m, the III. file 15 hammer ~ 18 hammer is selected, and the final 3 hammer rammer sedimentation is not suitable for more than 1cm. The horizontal ribbed category is arranged according to 1 row to 2 points.

Construction of new and old road junction by rapid impact compaction

3. High filling short subgrade, chicken claw ditch, filling and digging joint and other parts

Each sub-level backfill is 1.5m to carry out ribbed once, the ramming point is arranged in a red plum blossom style, the ramming point core spacing is 1.2m ~ 1.5m, the III. file 12 hammer ~ 15 hammer is selected, and the final 3 hammer rammer sedimentation is not suitable for more than 1.5cm. The reinforcement and compaction scope at the filling and excavation junction is widened outward by no less than 3m.

After the reinforcement and compaction of each of the above positions is carried out, all the impactive virtual soil of about 20cm on the surface of the subgrade project must be removed and scraped flat with equipment, and the next process flow project construction should be carried out after the light wheel roller or small plate rammer was applied.

Rapid impact compaction foundation construction

The highest value of the interaction force of the Rapid Impact compaction is small, the effect is mild, and the effect duration is long, which can avoid dust control and splashing of fillers. Compared with the vibration rolling pressure, the Rapid Impact compaction has a strong penetration force, the effect range is deeper, and the compaction degree of compaction is more symmetrical within a certain height range. Rapid Impact compaction according to the professional hydraulic control system to complete the continuous tamping, ramming kinetic energy is divided into strong, medium and low three gears, ramming car gear can be selected according to the needs, ramming work frequency is divided into manual and fully automatic two kinds of use, the continuous chopping frequency can be set according to the needs, can also be used with the help of manual control of any ramming, and in the server (usually for the mounting machine) under the traction belt will be convenient, Quickly and easily perform interchange or conversion site work.

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